Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Exercises in Triviality

Exercises in Triviality

On July 1, 2007, the US Census Bureau estimated that the population of the US was 301,621,157.

According to Blum's Farmer's and Planter's Almanac for 2008 the United States has 1 birth every 8 seconds, 1 death every 11 seconds, 1 international immigrant every 27 seconds (didn't specify legal vs. illegal), making a net gain of 1 person every 11 seconds.

Based on the July population estimate and assuming the birth, death, and immigrant rates remain constant, when will the population of the United States double?

On a vaguely related note, are you bothered by the fact that the United States President and his administration seem to have a difficult time telling the American people truths?

Between September 11, 2001 and September 10, 2003, the U.S. administration made at least 932 false statements, according to The Center for Public Integrity. The non-partisan organization researched statements made by the President and key members of his administration then verified the truth or falseness of each statement. Once they made their determinations, they created a searchable database so that you can look up your favorite falsehood.

1 comment:

Newt said...

August 20, 2112 @1:03 AM