Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Sitting in the back of a hotel conference room this past week as the group leader wrote some questions on the electronic screen, I watched as the Edubloggercon leader, David Warlick, mistyped the word "inspire." Instead, of that powerful word, David stumbled into a most intriguing word, "inspirt."

I was immediately inspired by that word and began searching for possible definitions. Since inspirt does not exist in any known dictionaries, I decided to come up with my own definition. I believe that inspirt should be a noun that means, "an incredible thought or idea that exists for only a moment before disappearing forever." I think inspirt could also be a verb "the act of creating or divining an incredible thought or idea that exists for only a moment."

On second thought, I'm not sure that defining inspirt is such a great idea.


Developer said...

This sounds like my understanding of complex ideas as they are explained to me. I understand them for about one minute, and then they drift off, as new concepts are explained. We call them senior moments. But I like the idea of being exposed to inspirts.


-- dave --

Newt said...

Dave, I've enjoyed this word for almost a week now. I believe that it's the greatest linguistic creation since "dude." I'm proud to have been there at its birth. You made it all happen with one simple slip of the key.

Freedom Public Library said...

Hey Thom

I like the new word, it was needed. Therefore, I would like to see you revise your piece which was great up until the last line:

"On second thought, I'm not sure that defining inspirt is such a great idea"

You could end the sentence before that or come up with a better concluding sentence.

Thank you for your consideration.

Lizzie Allen

Newt said...

What I want to know, Lizzie, is when are you going to write a book? You are a master of composition; you always have been.

Of course, you're right, I should renegotiate the ending of my piece. It is so elementary. Yet, in a way, that's the nature of the moment when you inspirt.