Tuesday, September 01, 2009


My father had a stroke today.

87 years old with emphysema
Out of the blue at almost exactly Noon
He came in from working in the yard
Went to the bathroom
Began taking stuff out of the fridge to make lunch
Got dizzy and had his right side go numb
Leaned against the kitchen sink

Mother heard the quiet from her slumber recliner
Made her way to the kitchen and discovered him
Chair dragged over
Made him sit
Called my sister, first number in Rolodex
Sister had mom call 911

Rescue squad was fast
Taken to the emergency room
Trauma team evaluates
Right arm limp
Right leg stiff
Right side of face stretched
Speech slurred
Very alert

Tissue Plasminogen Activator (tPA) given at 2:35pm
Controversial and Risky clot dissolving drug
1-15 chance of bleeding in brain
Nurse said if it works miraculous results would be observable
It did and they were
Must be closely monitored for 24 hours

While not by any stretch back to normal
Pop is better
Both hands can be raised
Both legs have full range of motion
Speech still slurred

So far, prognosis good
Morning will bring new tests and evaluations
Then we will all move forward bravely.
Intercessions appreciated.

As a family aside, I haven't yet contacted my wife's side of the family. If you are one of them, please know that no slight was intended...we just didn't get to it before most humans get to sleep (I'm burning the candle right now). Please do not discuss this health matter with others inside the family until Jackie has the opportunity to officially inform everyone later Wednesday morning. Thanks

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