Sunday, March 11, 2007

My Analysis

My team lost an opportunity to be in the ACC Men's Basketball Tournament Championship yesterday. On the VT message boards, people were weeping and gnashing their teeth. This prompted me to chime in with my analysis of the team. For those of you from far away places, this ACC basketball thing is a passion than borders on mania, much like World Cup Soccer/Football. For those of you reading this who don't care about basketball, I'm sorry you must be subjected to this. However, I've always believed very strongly that a writer should always write about that which they know the most about. Perhaps next time, I'll write about the time I resuscitated a fish with a straw.

Based on my observations of the players on the Virginia Tech Cavaliers this year, I feel more qualified than anyone else to speak to their on court personalities.

Zabian Dowdell:

Struggles with the mantle of leadership. A reluctant leader, Zabian emotes pointed anxiety when experiencing the pressures of team leadership.

Jamon Gordon:

Conflicted, Jamon wants to be free and easy yet his desire to not be outdone leads him to press too hard thus causing characteristic breakdowns in overall form.

Angel D. Vassallo-Colon:

Content to chew gum at times, masking his inner basketball desires.

Darren Washington:

Breathes too close to opponents. Needs to learn to control his breathing and allow it to come to him.

Coleman Collins:

“[His] words fly up, [his] thoughts remain below: Words without thoughts never to heaven go.” From Hamlet (III, iii, 100-103)

Cheick Diakite:

Cheick takes the ball and shoots it. He sees the ball and blocks it.

Markus C. Sailes:

Understands more than he lets on. Takes a global perspective.

Nigel Elijah Munson:

Hamstrung by inactivity

John Lewis Witcher II:

Waiting for moments

Christopher M. Tucker:

Saddled with a slow number

Robert Martin Krabbendam:

Must constantly juxtapose all he learned from Joe Spinks with all he has been taught by Seth Greenberg

Terrance Demitrius Vinson:

Has visions of possibility that drive his passion

Marcus Alexander Travis:

Shadowed by the ghost of Page.

Lest you believe me a fool, please understand that I am that and that I have enjoyed every moment of this season and every season that these players have given to us. I wouldn’t trade this team for any other. They’re D-Y-N-A-M-I-T-E!

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