Basic Rules
- Don’t be afraid to write
Joey, I believe that many people look at a piece of paper and get scared. They just don’t see how that blank paper can become a beautiful piece of writing. Really the only way to make that happen is to jump boldly into the writing without fear.
- Write about what you know whenever possible
All too often, people try to write about things they don’t know enough about. That’s impossible to do well. If you have an assignment, then take the time to learn about the topic before you try to write about it. If you are given a choice of what to write, choose topics that you are an expert at.
- Write for yourself.
Take pride in your work. What you produce should please you first. Set high standards for yourself.
- Do a complete job
Joey, whenever you do anything in the world, you should always do a complete job. This applies to writing as well as jobs you do at home and later when you discover what you will do for a living. Question yourself through the whole process, asking if you explained everything as well as you could.
- Take your time
Allow yourself to relax in the writing and enjoy every thought you put on paper. My view of writing is not much different than my view of starting tomato seedlings. I enjoy every part. When I grow a tomato, I enjoy preparing the seed bed, planting the seed, and recording information about it. Later, I celebrate when I see the first sprout in the tray. Then I enjoy nursing the seedling into a small plant that I can transplant. Every time I finish raising a tomato plant, I feel a touch of sadness when I give it away.
- Find Joy
Joey, you’ve always impressed me as being a young man who enjoys life and has a kind heart. Your parents have raised you well. As you write find a way to enjoy what you are creating on paper. That joy will always show in the final product.
Basic Steps to Good Writing
- Think
Take some time to think about the topic. Try to picture the story you want to tell in your head. When it’s clear to you in your head, then proceed to the next step.
- Plan
Everybody has different ways of planning. You need to find a way that works for you. Some people use a list. Others use a web. I’ve even seen people draw a picture.
- Rough Draft
Put the pieces together from your plan. Remember to give an opening sentence that gets the reader involved in your story. Then put in the details of the story in some kind of order that makes sense to you. Following your plan here is most important. However, sometimes when you are writing, other ideas may come to you. Always be willing to add to your plan or change it as you go along.
- Edit and Revise the Rough Draft
Take some time to check over the written piece to make sure it says all that you want it to say the way you want to say it. Don’t be afraid to make changes.
- Final Copy
Again take the time to create a polished final copy from your rough draft.
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