Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Neon Night

Neon Night

The night was dark. An early warning chill swept in on late October tails. Cars gradually unwound as the evening commute gave a last gasp. Neon ruled the night as I sat and watched the world pass by. Owning one corner of the busy street, a brilliant red Sheetz proclaimed everlasting opening with incredible submarine sandwich deals, lotsa java, as well as $1.93 gas. The dim fluorescent security of a frequently robbed bank graced another corner with a lone beat up car guarding the abandoned parking lot. Across the four lane road, Hardees stood guard like a citadel, the smiling neon yellow star welcoming all passersby, enticing no one inside. On the final corner, the corner where I was parked patiently waiting, resided a new tenant. “CVS/pharmacy,” the sign splashed in brilliant red into the traffic noise. “Now Open.” “Get your October Extra Bucks Today!” “Milk $3.59Gal.” “Beauty.” “Drive-Thru Pharmacy.” Photo Center.” Formerly busy people, kids in tow, easily strolled in and out at a relaxed pace, their day almost done.

A massive 18 wheeler stopped at the corner stoplight. “Industry’s finest golf and utility vehicles” “Club Car Augusta, GA” No doubt, it had once been loaded with valuable vehicles and was heading to a place to rest ‘til morning. An old, beaten pick-up truck zoomed past weighed down with a load of spent tires. “Hot dogs, 2 for $1.99” barked the Sheetz banner. All traffic stopped as a fire truck zipped by turning between the bank and the forever Sheetz, racing into the night. The lights turned green, and people in their machines marched onward.

Flash Neon Flash Neon Flash Neon Flash Neon Flash Neon Flash Neon Flash

A wandering, lonely piano tune with no particular melody meandered through my head.

They came back, and I dropped back into the world.

Post Script

It seems that I rarely force myself to just stop and really look around. There’s a certain beauty and symmetry about the world, a delicate balance only penetrated by the unexpected. Watching that corner gave me insight into a place I’d never normally consider. It occurs to me that the corner scene is being played out all over the world right now. I yearn to observe every corner, every street; yet, I’m physically barred, denied by a physical reality. So much passes me by, so many possibilities, so much unexpected, all passing beyond my sight and thought.

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